
Arts Programming in Early Childhood Education

Since its establishment, NAFA Arts Kindergarten has been a pioneer in the integration of a multidisciplinary arts programme in our core curriculum. It has become a distinguishing feature of our pre-school experience.
This tightly integrated and seamless arts programme is intended to create a learning atmosphere that is multi-sensory, immersive and experiential. Lessons are reinforced though this engagement of the mind, body and imagination.
We believe that students learn best when they are active learners, not passive recipients of instructions, and that they discover the joy of learning, and build their sense of self-esteem, by embracing their different roles as learners, problem solvers and artistic persons. We encourage students to not only value the products and outputs of their endeavours, but more importantly, to enjoy the process of thinking, learning and creating.
Through Arts-integrated teaching and learning, children learn to solve challengers by trying, revising, reflecting, and then re-trying within a safe and supportive environment. This sense of exploratory, open-ended play and learning is important to developing cognitive, social, emotional and motor-sensory skills. Research has also shown that such a learning experience encourage children to develop both creative and critical thinking skills, which will become more important in later stages of their schooling and education. *
NAFA Arts Kindergarten is deeply appreciative that our unique approach has been welcomed and warmly supported by successive cohorts of pre-school students and their parents/caregivers. 

